Merge Dragons Wiki
Merge Dragons Wiki


Floating Objects are an unlimited source ever presented. They float by a bit at a time ready to be tapped and grounded onto the map surface.

With the help of floating items merge chains can be built up and developed further without harvesting. Also they can help to finish quests for Event and Season Portals, and Star Quests.

There are different floating speeds when these floating objects are found, and different items that float.

For Those Just Starting[]

For all users playing heavily during their first days, there would have been the initial perception of not enough levels with floating objects. The original design for this page was based on that. Those elusive levels with floating objects should be noted!

As it takes between 22-26 days to complete 100 levels, conservatively playing with 2 chalice refills daily, 13% of Levels 1-100 have floaters, as well as 8% of Levels 101-200, and 16% of Levels 201-300. Then there is the big jump - after 3 months of consecutive play, 37% of Levels 301-400 have floaters, followed by 18% of Levels 401-500, and 1 (10%) of Levels 501-510.

That means a total of 94 levels have been found, but to give heart to those just starting, only Fruit Tree Leaves, Life Flower Seeds, and Mysterious Seeds are in the first 100 round, then add Dragon Tree Leaves to the 2nd round, and Life Orbs and Rain Clouds in the 3rd 100 round.

Resources from Floaters[]

The table below shows the floater, the floater page link, and the resources obtained by utilizing the floater to merge into future objects. Dragon eggs and nests are obtained through Dragon Chests, which are free to open in Levels, but are found infrequently.

Floater Resources Obtained
Image Link
Floating Life Flower Seed Life Flower Seeds
Floating Dragon Tree Leaf Dragon Tree Leaves
Floating Fruit Tree Leaf Fruit Tree Leaves
Floating Life Orbs Life Orbs
Floating Mysterious Seeds Mysterious Seeds
Floating Rain Cloud Rain Clouds

The tables below show the floating items so far discovered and their location in the game.

Floaters In Camp[]

Floating Item Level # Level Name Chalice Cost Notes
Life Flower Seeds None Camp None Every time you first open your camp, 3 seeds spawn off to the left. Float speed is slow. When dragons are all asleep, lots of seeds come as well.

Levels with Single Floaters[]

85 Levels have one of floating Dragon Tree Leaves, floating Fruit Tree Leaves, floating Life Flower Seeds, floating Mysterious Seeds, or floating Rain Clouds.

Dragon Tree Leaves (11 levels)[]

Level # Level Name Chalice Cost Toward Passive Play
# Tiles Notes
124 Drakeshire 2
(Challenge #18)
7 151 Connected 143 tiles, then a remaining 8. Float speed is regular and continuous
126 The Healer 1 205 All connected tiles, can easily do mass merges. Float speed is slow-regular.
143 Fjord 8 7 118 All connected tiles with a few gaps, can easily do mass merges. Float speed is regular-fast.
144 Fjord 9 7 169 All connected tiles. Float speed is regular.
247 Glacier Falls 18 5 124 Has 4 single 1x1 tile islands, then 3 tile groups of 36, 42, and 42. Float speed is regular and steady.
298 Spell Shore 4 5 96 Connected 81 tiles with a few gaps, then a remaining 15 1x1. Float speed is slow with low amounts.
357 Bloom 8 2 85 All connected tiles with a few gaps. Float speed is fast but amounts are low.
438 Dragami 5 3 110 All connected tiles in the shape of a boat with mast and sail. Float speed is slow.
485 Zodiac Guardians 5 3 249 All connected tiles in a circle loop. Float speed is regular and steady.
499 Rocky Roads 6
(Challenge #58)
3 55 Connected 50 tiles, then 5 1x1 tiles. Float speed is slow, infrequent.
501 Rocky Roads 8 4 66 All connected tiles with 2 1x1 gaps, no dragons. Float speed is slow.

Fruit Tree Leaves (12 levels)[]

Level # Level Name Chalice Cost Toward Passive Play
# Tiles Notes
42 Hilltop 1
(Challenge #7)
6 63 All connected tiles. Float speed is regular.
43 Hilltop Bluffs 1 65 2 tile sections, split into 1/3rd 2/3rds. Float speed is regular.
45 Hilltop 2 4 36 All connected tiles. Float speed is regular and steady.
55 Fear Isle 5 5 53 All connected tiles. Float speed is regular and steady.
111 Totem Shire 2 7 148 5 tile sections, 3 have similar sized connected tiles of 41, 44, 46. Float speed is slow with low amounts.
208 Craven Crypt 14 4 43 4 tile sections of 4, 4, 7, 25 and 3 1x1 tiles. Float speed is regular with high amounts.
349 Bloom 1 4 52 All connected tiles. Float speed is slow.
371 Empyrean Trials 9 4 63 2 tile sections of 41 and 20 with a few gaps, and 2 1x1 tiles. Float speed is slow.
373 Mirror Pond 1 2 46 All connected tiles in one long strand. Float is slow with low amounts.
385 Drakeholm 1 2 83 All connected tiles. Float speed is slow with continuous amounts.
442 Dragami 8 2 81 All connected tiles, no dragons. Float speed is ultra slow with low, single amounts.
455 Corrupted Forest 9 5 92 2 tile sections of 35 and 57. Float speed is slow.

Life Flower Seeds (29 levels)[]

Level # Level Name Chalice Cost Toward Passive Play
# Tiles Notes
9 Grassy 5 3 52 All connected tiles. Float speed is regular-slow.
21 Green Grove 3 49 All connected tiles with gaps. Float speed is slow with low amounts.
49 Zomblin Falls 2 4 50 2 tile sections, one with 32 tiles all connected, the remaining with gaps. Float speed is slow with low amounts.
52 Fear Isle 2 3 48 All connected tiles. Float speed is slow with low amounts.
56 Silent Bay 1 1 52 All connected tiles. Float speed is slow with low amounts.
71 The Secret Veldt Alley 2 80 All connected tiles. Float speed is slow with low amounts.
112 Totem Shire 3 7 99 Connected 91 tiles for a large rectangle with gaps, the remaining in 1x1 tiles and another 4 connected. Float speed is slow with ultra-low amounts.
114 Totem Shire 5 7 133 Connected 105 tiles for a large rectangle, the remaining as a connected strand to the same large area, and finally three single tile 1x1 islands. Considered the level for the Tap Life Flower Seed (0/100) / Merge Life Flower Seed (0/30) quest, as it has hundreds of Life Flower Seeds in a short time. Float speed is fast and continuous.
Totem Shire 5 Floating Life Flower Seeds example
115 Totem Shire 6 7 136 6 tile sections of 16 and 1 connected tile section of 40. Float is slow with low amounts.
214 Sea Breeze 1 4 63 All connected tiles as 6 3x3 squares. Float speed is regular with low amounts.
219 Sea Breeze 6 4 78 5 tile sections of 4, 7, 7, 27, and 33 with gaps and dead land of such merge variety that it takes time build then clear. Float speed is fast and continuous.
227 Glacier Falls 2 4 145 4 repeating tile sections with of 30 tiles gaps and another 3 1x1 tiles, with a center 13 tile section. Float speed is regular-fast.
242 Glacier Falls 14 5 128 4 tile sections of 10, 12 and 2 with 53 tiles, both with many gaps. Float speed is slow-regular.
276 Golden Meadow 5 3 111 3 separated strands of 13, 2 separated islands of 5 and 6 with gaps, and 1 connected tile section of 62, no dragons. Float speed is regular-fast.
317 Zeal Land 1 2 60 All separated tiles, the largest island are 11, 10, then 9 tiles going smaller. Float speed is regular.
318 Zeal Land 2 4 179 3 tile sections of inset rectangular strands with gaps of 34, 37 and 78, and 4 small islands of 8, 8, 7 and 7. Float speed is regular-fast.
319 Zeal Land 3 3 82 4 tile sections of 26, 26, 10 and 6, and 14 1x1 tiles. Float speed is regular.
321 Zeal Land 5 4 177 All connected tiles with gaps, as a large rectangular strand and 5 sections. Float speed is slow with low amounts.
329 Drake's Ascent 2 3 60 3 tile sections of 47, 11 and 2 of all connected tiles. Float speed is regular.
331 Drake's Ascent 3 5 66 All connected tiles with gaps, plus 1 1x1 tile. Float speed is fast.
336 Drake's Ascent 7 3 78 All connected tiles with gaps, plus another 2 tile islands of 2 and 1. Float speed is regular.
341 Frostbite 2 5 138 All connected tiles with gaps in 2 islands of 57 and 81. Float speed is regular.
344 Crystal Isles ? 3 86 2 tile sections of 73 with gaps and 13 of all connected tiles. Float speed is regular.
345 Crystal Isles 2 3 46 All connected tiles of 44, and 2 1x1 tiles. Float speed is regular.
346 Crystal Isles 3 6 156 2 tile sections of 139 and 17. Float speed is regular with low amounts.
368 Empyrean Trials 6 6 90 3 tile sections of 6, 14, and 70. Float speed regular-fast with increasing amounts after Zomblin Cave Field is addressed.
370 Empyrean Trials 8 3 74 4 tile sections of 17, 17, 18, and 22. Float speed is regular with with ultra-low amounts.
410 Dragonville 4 3 118 All connected tiles. Float speed is slow-regular.
433 Dragami 1 2 53 All connected tiles with gaps. Float speed is regular and continuous.

Life Orbs (12 levels)[]

Level # Level Name Chalice Cost Toward Passive Play
# Tiles Notes
210 Craven Crypt 15 3 56 All connected tiles. Float speed is fast and continuous.
211 Craven Crypt 16 2 58 All connected tiles with a few gaps and 2 1x1 tiles. Float speed is regular with ultra-low amounts.
212 Craven Crypt 17
(Challenge #30)
3 111 2 tile groups, one continuous strand, one full square of 64. Float speed is regular.
213 Craven Crypt ?? (Secret Level) 2 140 136 tiles all connected with gaps, with an island of 4 tiles. Float speed is fast and continuous.
244 Glacier Falls 16 7 232 204 tiles all connected, with 4 islands of 7 tiles. Float speed is slow with low amounts.
324 Zeal Land 8 3 126 Fragmented, spread out tiles as crossing strands and one 20 tile square. Float speed is regular but predominately (99%) Lvl 1 Tiny Life Orb.
355 Bloom 6
(Challenge #34)
5 87 All connected tiles through rectangular shapes of 5, 8, 20, 24, 30, so remains okay for mass merges. Orbs are predominately Lvl 1 Tiny Life Orb. Float speed is regular-slow.
417 Dragonville 10 3 67 All connected tiles, no dragons. Orbs are predominately Lvl 1 Tiny Life Orb. Float speed is fast.
424 Zomblin Hills ?? 2 63 2 tile islands of 8 and 55. Float speed is fast and continuous.
429 Zomblin Hills 8 3 52 All connected tiles. Float speed is regular-fast and continuous.
466 Life Flower Fields 9 5 91 2 tile islands of 27 and 52, both with gaps, and another 2, and 10 tiles. Float speed is slow.
492 Zodiac Guardians 10 6 365 All connected tiles in a complex shape. Float speed is fast and scanty.
504 Rocky Roads 10 6 85 All connected tiles. Float speed is regular-fast.

Mysterious Seeds (7 levels)[]

Level # Level Name Chalice Cost Toward Passive Play
# Tiles Notes
81 Dread Marsh 2 6 43 All connected tiles. Float speed is regular and continuous.
82 Dread Marsh 3 1 26 Tiles with gaps, no large merging (max 5 tiles merge), no dragons. Float speed is ultra-slow with low amounts.
84 Dread Marsh 4 3 46 All connected tiles in one rectangular strand. Float rate is fast with low amounts.
299 Spell Shore 5 3 60 3 tile sections of 8, 8, and 44 with some gaps. Float speed is regular.
361 Empyrean Trials 1 4 57 All connected tiles. Float speed is regular.
364 Empyrean Trials 3 6 84 2 tile sections of 21 and 63. Float speed is slow with ultra-low amounts.
412 Dragonville 6 5 94 3 tile sections of 12, 34, and 47 with 1 1x1 tile. Float speed s slow-regular.

Rain Clouds (15 levels)[]

Level # Level Name Chalice Cost Toward Passive Play
# Tiles Notes
235 Glacier Falls 8 4 95 4 tile sections of all connected tiles of 5. 5. 13, and 72. Float speed is regular-fast.
238 Glacier Falls 11 5 66 5 tile sections of 9, 11, 11, 11, 13 plus another 11 1x1 tiles. Float speed is regular with high amounts. Considered the level for the Merge Nilla Dragon Eggs (0/10) quest, but the fragmented tile spaces make it at least initially difficult to build harvestable Grass from ponds built from Rain Puddles. Once grass is built however, it continues to be difficult to keep tiles clear of merge objects (and passing floating objects) from the harvest chances for chests, and from opening the chests to display the contents, as the number of tiles is low and separated, and the chests have much unnecessary loot.
307 Spell Shore 12 4 153 3 tile sections of all connected tiles of 22, 26, and 105. Float speed is regular with breaks.
332 Drake's Ascent 4 4 75 1 center island of 39 continuous tiles with 1 gap and 9 more islands of decreasing tiles from 10, 6, 5 and less. Float speed is regular-fast.
333 Drake's Ascent ?? 4 75 3 tile sections of all connected tiles of 8, 25 and 41 and 1 1x1. Float speed is fast.
343 Crystal Isles 1 3 51 5 tile sections, from 2 tiles, then 4, 6, 7, and the remaining in a long strand. Float speed is regular.
358 Bloom 9 3 40 2 tile sections of 6 and 34 tiles. Float speed is fast and steady.
377 Mirror Pond 5
(Challenge #38)
5 60 All connected tiles with gaps. Float is regular with low amounts.
380 Mirror Pond 7 3 64 All connected tiles with gaps. Float speed is regular-fast and continuous.
383 Mirror Pond 9 4 48 All connected tiles with some gaps. Float speed is regular-fast.
384 Mirror Pond 10 5 78 2 tile sections of 24 and 53, and 1 1x1 tile. Float speed is fast.
393 Drakeholm ?? 3 131 3 tile sections of 2x 10, and 111, no dragons. Float speed is regular with low amounts.
415 Dragonville 8 3 108 2 tile sections of 12 and 96. Float speed is fast.
431 Haven Hills 3
(Challenge #46)
5 53 All connected tiles of 37 and 4 other tile sections of 3, 3, 4, 6. Float speed is fast and continuous.
505 Indigo Spirits 1 2 103 All connected tiles. Float speed is fast.

Levels with Double Floaters[]

8 Levels have a double floater style. Four of these have floating Life Flower Seeds and Fruit Tree Leaves, and the other three have floating Life Flower Seeds and Rain Clouds.

Floating Item Level # Level Name Chalice Cost Toward Passive Play
# Tiles Notes
Floating Life Flower Seed
Floating Fruit Tree Leaf
301 Spell Shore 7 5 105 97 all connected tiles with many gaps, as well as 8 1x1 tiles. Float speed is slow with low amounts.
325 Zeal Land ? 3 36 3 tile sections of 8, 5, and 2, then 21 spread-out separated 1x1 tiles, not for passive play. Float speed is regular and continuous.
350 Bloom 2 4 72 All connected tiles. Alternates a few Life Flower Seeds, then Leaves of a Fruit Tree, then occasionally both together. Float speed is slow.
414 Dragonville ?? 5 81 4 tile islands of 3x 9, and 54. Float speed is fast.
Floating Life Flower Seed
Floating Rain Cloud
367 Empyrean Trials 5 3 57 2 all connected tile islands of 44 and 13. Float speed is regular-fast and cloud amounts are low.
375 Mirror Pond 3 5 60 All connected tiles with gaps. Float speed is fast with low amounts.
444 Dragami 10 4 82 All connected tiles. Float speed is regular-fast.
489 Zodiac Guardians 8 4 269 All connected tiles in a varied loop. Float speed is regular.

