Merge Dragons Wiki
Merge Dragons Wiki

From the app store:[]

Update 1.8.0 is out now! It arrives with NEW LEVELS!

• Dragonia has just expanded as 10 Brand New Levels have been added to the game.

• The level Fjord 5's cost has been reduced and is now playable with only 2 Chalices.

• Community Request: You can now see what the Premium Land looks like in the popup before you purchase it.

Other Minor Changes

• Community Request: Dragons will not autonomously harvest from Ancient Dragon Skulls or Dead Trees in your camp anymore. • Undead Trees now have Necromancer Grass around their base to represent remaining charges for spawning this grass over time. The grass disappears once these charges "dry up". (It was previously unclear that these objects depleted in this way.)

• Color adjustments for some items: Golden Mushrooms are golden again. Midas Drake Chests now have a unique color.

• Revised quests in Drakeshire 11, Fjord 7, Lone Grove levels.

• Price Balancing: Moon Chest, Golden Chest, and Pearlescent Chest prices now increase with each purchase like other chests. Reduced price cap of Eggs to half of its previous cap at community's recommendation.

• Fix: Dragon Tree Seeds and Fountain of Legend will now properly be shown as "discovered" in your discovery view.

List of Levels Added:[]

Other Changes[]
