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Merge Dragons Wiki


Zomblin Caves are immovable objects that house Zomblins and can be found in various Levels. A Zomblin will spawn automatically after some time. Tapping a Zomblin Cave makes a Zomblin spawn instantly. This also commands Dragons to attack the Cave. Dropping Dragons on the Cave or having them autonomously target it will destroy the Zomblin Cave without spawning a Zomblin. Destroying a Zomblin Cave will cause it to drop multiple pieces of low-level Stone Bricks. Dragons may only be interrupted in their destruction of a Zomblin Cave by tapping the Dragon in question.

Level Size Name Description Possible Residents Life Points Appearance
1 1x1 Zomblin Cave Beware! Zomblins live here! Tap to Attack! Rotten Zomblin, Woodland Zomblin 7
2 1x1 Cursed Zomblin Cave Beware! Zomblins live here! Tap to Attack! Woodland Zomblin, Swamp Zomblin 15
3 2x2 Zomblin Ice Fortress Beware! Zomblins live here! Tap to Attack! Swamp Zomblin, Dragon-Eater Zomblin 30
Zomblin Ice Fortress

Event Zomblin Caves[]

Events can also feature Zomblin Caves. Unlike Levels, when Event Zomblin Cave is destroyed it leaves behind a few Tiny Life Orbs and Small Life Orbs.

Blue level 1 Zomblin Caves were introduced in the first Zen Dragon Event in January 2018. As of early 2021 they are featured in every other Event.

Chthonian Bovine Fortresses can only be found during Mortyablo Deja Moo Event.

Level Size Name Description Possible Residents Life Points Picture
1 1x1 Zomblin Cave Beware! Zomblins live here! Tap to Attack! Blue Zomblin 7
Event Zomblin Cave
1 1x1 Chthonian Bovine Fortress Beware! Zomblins live here! Tap to Attack! Chthonian Bovine 7
Chthonian Bovine Fortress


  • An Event Zomblin Cave is a mirrored and recolored version of regular level 1 Zomblin Cave.
  • There is only one Zomblin Ice Fortress, found in The Secret Isles Level.